Going on a night out is like going on an adventure down the yellow brick road. You meet all sorts of people that only ever seem to appear on nights out. Here’s a run down of some of these unique characters.

The One Who Is A Chunder Wonder – Seriously what time did you start drinking? Its 10 o’clock and you can’t even remember your own name. This person will most likely not even make it to 12, if they are lucky they might make it into the club for about 20 minutes before the bouncers chuck them out for being a mess.

The One Who Is A Taxi Try-Hard  – “Has anyone ordered a taxi yet?” Dude chill out, they aren’t going to run out of wheels.  This person goes on a night out just to organise people. The worst.

The Ones Who Outrageously Flirt – These people, in all honesty, are not interested in the night out at all and are just waiting to get it on as soon as possible. Just leave these two to their own thing, they don’t want to be disturbed really.

The One Who Is A Game Maker – This person always has a new stupid drinking game they read off BuzzFeed, that makes them believe they are the best thing since Cosmo in a can. They are besotted with the rules and become hideously power crazy. “YOU BROKE THE CIRCLE SEE THAT OFF”. They harbour no fear, beware playing Never Have I Ever, this person has zero limits.

The One Spiller – you know who you are.

The One Who is a Chatty Taxi Driver – nobody wants to be in the front of the taxi because the likelihood is that the driver is going to want to chat about absolute rubbish. This results in a weird and awkward conversation on the way to town, whilst you hope that every traffic light is green.

The One Who Chats to the Driver – unlucky son.

The One Who Cuts in the Queue – I was wrong about the organiser. These people are in fact the worst. We’ve been stood here in the cold for twenty minutes and then you turn up with your “Ladz” and push in. Jog on.

The One Bouncer That Makes Fun Of Your ID Photo – yes I am aware I look about 12, no need to point it out buddy. Just let me in please.

The One Who Thinks They Know You – This overly friendly character can be mistaken for someone who you thought you knew. In the cold light of day, whilst wondering who this Facebook friend request is from, you realise that you haven’t got a clue who this person is.

The One Who Barges – A dance floor is always crowded, thats just what happens, but there is always one person who feels the need to push everyone out the way so they have more room for their sick moves.

The One Who You Meet In The Toilet – This person is a complete stranger but treats you like you have been friends for years. You talk about irrelevant things and then go your separate ways back into the club.