



What can you do with £9000?

First of all, why hasn’t Harry written a blog since the end of August?

a) Third Year is difficult

b) Third Year is difficult

c) I’m lazy

d) Third Year is difficult

Good, glad that’s dealt with. Moving on…

Dreary afternoons in the library spent weeping over my dissertation has led me to wonder what else I could be doing with my £9000 a year. So, I did a little research, and found some pretty interesting alternatives. Here are my top 5:

You could take 26 baths a day or flush 450,000 toilets*


It costs £700.80 to bath twice a day for a whole year. Not feeling like a degree? Then you could run 25.68 baths a day instead. Or instead flush it (literally) down the toilet…450,000 times.

*I didn’t say this list would be useful.

Buy a really expensive drink


A bar in London is selling a cocktail, called the ‘Gigi’ for £8,888. Screw 9am lectures, you could have a combination of vintage champagne and an ultra-rare Armagnac brandy that pre-dates the Boer War.

A waterproof pool table


Ever been swimming, and thought, “this water is really missing the facility to be able play pool”? Well you could use your well-borrowed money to buy a waterproof pool table, solving a problem you never knew you had.

Buy a massive gumball machine


Ever wanted a bubble gum machine that was as tall as you? Me neither. But for your tuition fees you could have 3! Money well spent I say.

A Gold Lego Brick


No Lego set is complete without a 14K solid gold Lego brick. For $14,499.99 you could have one. Now I know this is more than a years worth of loan but you got to save up for some things.

Bet that degree seems wasted now…



Student Mental Health – an Epidemic?

For most, university represents the best years of a person’s life. However, for many, university is a mental pressure cooker in which the stresses of being away from home exaggerate financial, relationship and academic issues. In December of 2015, a survey by the National Union of Students (NUS) found that the majority of students (78%) had suffered from mental health problems at university, a third of which said they had suicidal thoughts and over half (54%) admitting they did not seek support. Anthony Seldon, vice-chancellor at the University of Buckingham and a mental-health campaigner, has said: “Britain has a near epidemic of mental health problems among its students.”

These thoughts have followed from a recent survey carried out by the Architect’s Journal found that more than a quarter of students studying architecture at university are being treated or have been previously treated for mental health problems. With architecture being a seven year course, anxiety over increasing debts and heavy workloads that frequently require all-nighters, were sourced by undergraduates as the causes for these mental health issues.

These rather provoking figures are leading to some important questions being asked. Are universities doing enough to help with those students suffering from mental health issues? Are the huge student loans contributing to this increase in mental health issues?

With the recent news that some universities are increasing their tuition fees for the first time since they trebled, the stress and strain over financial security will only develop further and consequently increase the amount of students suffering from mental health issues. On top of this, as of this month, maintenance grants have now become maintenance loans for those poorer students. Jane Duncan, president of the Royal Institute of British Architecture, has said: “I am concerned that the combination of tuition fees, rising student debt and the necessity for many students to take on paid work outside study can trigger or exacerbate mental health problems.” The rising debt for students is becoming a major issue in the UK. Not only is it preventing some prospective students joining university in the first place, but for those who are there, the extra stress that is being added by debt worries is potentially causing a rise in mental health issues.

Questions have been raised over whether the institutions are providing suitable services to help combat the risk of mental health issues, and support those who are suffering from these problems. However, what must be asked is whether the stresses that are leading to the rise of mental health problems are being caused by the institutions themselves, and the high prices of university. With university inevitably only becoming more expensive in the near future for all students, it appears that this “epidemic” will only get worse. It is up to the universities themselves to prevent these mental health problems, rather than exert more effort into services that support students with issues.

How much?

I have come to terms that I will come out of Uni with thousands of pounds worth of debt – or at least blocked it out of my mind sufficiently to prevent nightmares. However, after tuition fees, accommodation fees, and the money needed for food and basic survival, there are unprecedented extra costs, that you will not have accounted for.

  1. Societies. I am not suggesting that you shouldn’t join societies, because you most definitely should. However just be aware that it comes with extra cost. There will undoubtedly be a joining fee for your club, and then the socials themselves will cost money, whether it is going to the pub or paint balling. Then there are trips, and team kit. All of these seem relatively small expenses, however over the course of a year it seriously adds up.
  2. Printing. As a history student, I know how much it costs to print endless pages of reading material and your own work. This is an unavoidable cost but an expensive one nonetheless. Just try and make sure that you print what you need and not any unnecessary extras. Also print everything double sided, as the less paper that is used the cheaper it will be – and better for the environment of course.
  3. Public Transport. If you are less fortunate and do not live on/within walking distance of campus, the likelihood is that you will have to catch a bus into uni. Again this may be an unavoidable source of expense, however there are ways to make it cheaper. Buying a bicycle to ride into campus (on sunny days of course) would be cheaper in the long run. For those not interested in the extra exercise, most bus companies within university cities offer student discount on travel. Make sure to research this before starting uni as it will be a real money saver.
  4. Mobile phone bills. Consider changing your contract, if possible, to something a little cheaper. Shaving £20 off of your monthly phone bill will help massively over the course of a year – it could fund a few awesome nights out…
  5. Speaking of nights out, they are another expensive area of uni life, maybe even the most expensive. When buying pre drinks look for the best deals (yes I mean that naff looking bottle of Tesco value vodka). Look for the best student nights, every university city has them. The cheaper a night out is, the better.
  6. Clothes. Everyone loves buying new clothes, however when on a tight budget its not the best idea to go on a shopping spree. If you are truly desperate to update your collection though you can find cheaper options. For those of you with a smartphone the app Depop is ideal for finding cheap but still fashionable clothes. It also acts as a selling base for those clothes you don’t want anymore, which is ideal if you are a little short of cash. Charity shops are also full of great brands if you look hard, and you whilst finding great clothes you can feel happy in the knowledge that your money will go to a worthy cause.

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